老縫正傳 (Tailor)

老縫正傳 (Tailor)

I 級
演出日期 場數 演出劇目 演出場地
2022-09-08至2022-10-05 51 老縫正傳 (Tailor) SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
演出日期 時間 片長 價錢 演出場地
2022-09-08 2:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-10 2:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-11 2:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-12 2:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-13 2:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-14 2:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-08 7:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-10 7:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-11 7:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-12 7:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-13 7:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-14 7:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-15 12:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-15 9:25pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-16 2:35pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-16 9:25pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-17 5:15pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-17 9:25pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-18 2:35pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-19 12:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-19 9:25pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-20 2:35pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-20 9:25pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-21 5:15pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-21 9:25pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-22 12:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-22 5:15pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-22 9:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-23 7:25pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-23 9:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-24 5:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-24 9:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-25 2:35pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-25 7:25pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-26 12:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-26 5:15pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-26 9:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-27 2:35pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-27 7:25pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-29 2:45pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-29 9:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-30 9:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-10-01 9:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-10-02 9:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-10-03 9:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-10-04 9:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-09-30 12:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-10-01 2:45pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-10-02 5:00pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-10-05 2:45pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院
2022-10-05 9:30pm 101 $50, $60, $80 SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院

希臘老牌西裝店瀕臨倒閉!裁縫Nikos(尼科斯 )承諾病危父親重振老店。奈何生意淡薄,賤賣布匹,又受同行奚落 ……Nikos見街上小販,靈機一觸自製木頭車上街兜售。西裝屬高價服,逛街又多是婦女,只對女裝感興趣 市井難有買家。未來看似絕望……

一夜,Nikos拾得 鄰 居太太 Olga(奧爾加 )衣裙遂作樣板學做女裝。Olga對其手藝贊賞不已也有意學縫紉。Nikos請其在店中幫手。一天,一名胖婦問 Nikos會否造婚紗。Nikos逆向一拼,轉造婚紗,Olga協力下,他漸懂女性喜好,縫紉出第一襲婚紗,新娘在婚禮大受艷羨賓客紛紛訂做衣裳。Olga女兒Victoria(維多利亞)與Nikos感情要好,母女協助縫紉、販賣。Nikos、Olga漸生情素,終情難自禁,發生關係。引起丈夫注意……


The story of a 50-year-old man who fights against the economical dead-end of his life in order to create a future for himself. It’s truly a coming-of-old-age story: we follow Nikos—a lonely and defeated man—drowning in debt, destroyed by bankruptcy, and trapped in his father’s shop that’s become his shelter as well as his prison. Nikos transforms into a street tailor, a nomad within the city, who manages to reinvent himself and rejoin the world. Nikos refuses to give up. With tailoring as his only skill and his odd-looking bricolage coach as his only means of business, Nikos at last manages to succeed. By returning to a barter-exchange type of commerce, by going back to the past, he creates his future. He keeps his craft alive and finds his place in the world. TAILOR is a contemporary allegory of an everyman who must battle seemingly insurmountable odds.