《致富者聯盟》How To Get Rich

《致富者聯盟》How To Get Rich

李居明, 石修, 陳宇琛, 陳自瑤, 黎芷珊, 莊思敏, 魯振順, 石詠莉, 林記
演出日期 場數 演出劇目 演出場地
2020-05-19至2020-09-07 68 《致富者聯盟》How To Get Rich Super3三面應影院
2020-09-08至2020-09-16 9 《致富者聯盟》How To Get Rich Super3三面應影院
演出日期 時間 片長 價錢 演出場地
2020-09-08 2:50pm 95 $50, $60 Super3三面應影院
2020-09-09 12:30pm 95 $50, $60 Super3三面應影院
2020-09-10 12:30pm 95 $50, $60 Super3三面應影院
2020-09-11 2:50pm 95 $50, $60 Super3三面應影院
2020-09-12 12:30pm 95 $50, $60 Super3三面應影院
2020-09-13 12:30pm 95 $50, $60 Super3三面應影院
2020-09-14 12:30pm 95 $50, $60 Super3三面應影院
2020-09-15 2:50pm 95 $50, $60 Super3三面應影院
2020-09-16 12:30pm 95 $50, $60 Super3三面應影院

世界表面風光,其實全球經濟衰頹,人人都有一個尋找致富豐盛的強烈慾望。為造福人類,李居明大師特赴康城接受一個奇妙任務,並授命擔任Captain Edward財神隊長一職,聯同七位超級明星隊員組成「致富者聯盟」,以半故事半紀錄形式,開展一個尋玄探秘的旅程,每到一處,尋找隊員協助,尋訪人類賴以發達致富的所有密碼……

《大迷信》三十周年紀念作,人鬼神三部曲,人《致富者聯盟》、鬼《通靈師》、神《大剃度》。首部曲是李居明大師最厲害的發達風水秘笈、最新奇的食物改運學、最獨到的人體磁場改運學等傾囊相授,是一部令你大開眼界、無法想像、「教你」(How to)風水實例的大電影,包括「一億黃金加持富貴法」、「全球最貴牛扒催運學」、「寶石自我暗示法」等,九十五分鐘,成就你「第一桶金」的開智奇妙旅程……

In this world, everything seems to be glamorous, but in reality, our economy is declining, everyone has a strong desire to get rich and prosperous.  For the benefit of mankind, Master Li Kui-ming was asked to fly to France to carry out a special mission.  Known as Captain Edward in this amazing mission, he was assigned to lead a squad of 7 superheroes, he and his teammates thus started a journey to different corners of the world so as to explore the secrets of getting rich and famous.

Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the film “The Supernormal” in this year, Master Li is going to introduce “The Trilogy of The Supernormal”.  The first one is about mankind, namely “How to Get Rich”; The second one is about the netherworld, namely “The Psychics”; And the third one is about Buddhism, namely “Shave to reborn”.

For the first one, “How to Get Rich” is a collection of secrets and methods of helping people to get rich, by using Chinese Feng-shui, choice of food, as well as human magnetic field to change one’s luck.  It is an amazing, interesting and practical documentary that you can never imagine, including using gold of $100,000,000 as a seed to grow your wealth, using the most expensive steak to enrich your luck, self-suggestion by rubies… In 95 minutes’ time, you’ll definitely experience a wonderful journey to get your first bucket of gold and wisdom…